Thursday, November 04, 2004

A new dawn

(last political post for a while... promise)

It's the morning after, and there's no pill that'll sort things out today. I suspect if Bush had his way there'd be no morning-after pill full stop.

We'll never know what President Kerry Edwards would have been like. Oh well. What kind of a boy's name is Kerry anyway? A rubbish one, that's what it is. It's not a good manly Famous Five style name like George (and on the subject of names, isn't it nice how well the names President Bush and Vice-President Dick go together?).

But I suspect that President Edwards would have been better for the world as a whole than monkey-man will be.

Well, hopefully everyone will just put the whole sorry fiasco behind them and just start being nice to each other for a change. Cos if you give a little love, then it all comes back to you (la la la la la la la). You know we're gonna be remembered for the things that we say and do (la la la la la la la)...

Final thought: The Bush administration has just stood by its approval for a book being sold in US National Parks museums and book-shops. The book claims that the Grand Canyon is only a few thousand years old and was caused by Noah's great flood. I think that speaks for itself.


Bertworld said...

Not sure if you're trying to be funny, but, it isnt kerry edwards but John Kerry and sidekick Edwards.

Also I have no problem with the religious right putting forward all sorts of dribble. That's what free speech is about. Although I do feel that sort of book ought to have a sticker saying "This is book is stupid" on it. Interestingly I heard that more people in the world believe in creationism than evolution.

Expecting some comment from you to suggest I missed the whole point of your blog.

Tio Jaime said...

hey Dumbfuck:

the next time you wanna try making smart remarks, try googling something as simple as "OCS" and you might find that your answer is the fourth return from the top.

fucking idiot foreigner... there's a reason my country can kick your country's ass. you're from what country now? I don't fucking know, and i don't fucking care.

suck a cock,
Tio J

Lint said...

Tio - Hello and thanks ever so for visiting. Firstly, I really must express my gratitude to you for managing to make many of my points much more eloquently than I ever could.

You'll probably never appreciate quite how funny you are.

For any of you lucky enough to have not come across Tio before, he is referring to a remark I made yesterday where I (as an ignorant "fucking idiot foreigner" ) had wondered what OCS stood for. Tio had stated that in the event of a draft, people like him wouldn't be drafted and would instead be sent to OCS. I had supposed that given his obvious qualities, that OCS might be some kind of home for the mentally ill. A fair assumption given the limited information that I had to judge on.

I have now followed his advice and used Google, and see that the "fourth from the top" result for "OCS" is the Overseas Courier Service. Not the Officer Candidates School that I suspect he meant, which is down around number eight in the list. Let's hope that counting isn't a requirement for officers these days.

So, what have we learnt about Tio from the 60 ish words he has left here?
1. He can't count.
2. He has not quite got the hang of the usage of capital letters yet.
3. Assuming that "suck a cock" was not left in the same vein as I might use "kind regards", he is probably homophobic.
4. He is very funny.

Here's an interesting thing: "Tio Jaime" is an anagram of "I am ejiot".

Heather said...

Haha! Hey, it's the American attitude we all know and love! I've mastered capital letters, but that's because Bush has decided to infect his own population with extreme ignorance before sending it North of the border.

Hey, maybe Bush and his puppet master, Dick, would be more willing to accept same-sex marriage if it was Dick and Dick, rather than Dick and Bush. It's puzzling to me how contradictory these crazy right wing religious nutjobs are.


Tio Jaime said...

my newfound non-american friends,

1) i know precisely how funny i am
2) i elect not to use capital letters as i feel the extra effort used to reach out to one of two shift keys is better allocated elsewhere. that's just what i do, if you think that's ignorant, there's nothing i can do to convince you otherwise
3) i think i searched for "OCS" and another search term on google, but for the life of me i can't remember what that other term was, but it did come up as the fourth return. rest assured i can count
4) though this might seem a contradiction in and of itself, i am not homophobic, but man do i hate fags. there's nothing wrong with doing what you want with whomever you want in the privacy of your own homes, but certain flaming homosexual traits are just annoying. similarly, so are overly heterosexual traits. my usage of "suck a cock" was not intended in any way to throw into question your or my sexual orientations, but simply a vulgarity in the name of humor.
5) with all due respect, that anagram wasn't interesting at all

so what have we learned? yes, tio jaime is a vulgar american upon whom you likely look down. (down upon whom you likely look?) your collective holier-than-thou attitude is as obvious as my rednecky, construction-mouthed american fondness of saying "fuck you" to elitists such as yourselves whose disdain for Red America is the most telling and pitiful trait

won't even pull the "what loser school did you go to" card because i've grown fucking tired of it

all my love,
tio j

Lint said...


Well, it seems like after the initial rush of victory, that you have returned yourself to a vaguely sensible state of mind. Good. This will help everybody.

I find it hard to understand your statement "I am not homophobic, but man do i hate fags". Please elaborate.

I accept that "suck a cock" was merely a vulgarity for the sake of humour. We've all sucked cocks at one point or another, and yours was bigger than most.

GOP had been puzzling me. But now that you've taught me how to use Google to look up acronyms, I've checked out the GOP thing. I'm glad that you also are Gay Out and Proud. See you on the next march?

Lint said...

And on a more sober note, I think what you were trying to say was "let's just all be friends", which is a good sentiment.

Tio Jaime said...

ahh, sweet sweet sobriety... looking to remedy my current sober state before the california/oregon game

yes, i was admittedly on somewhat of a berserker republican rant, because i've been bottling this up for quite some time now. following pleasant exchange (such as the most recent posts) i would like to rescind any ad hominem attacks i've made as you seem like a pretty cool guy...

i personally don't think that what i feel is homophobia, as i'm not truly afraid of homosexuals. i don't even hate them, just the annoying uber-fruity ones. take jack on will & grace. he should be run over by a big damn truck.

i have yet to suck a cock. and as i am asian, oh how i wish mine was bigger than most. unfortunately, i'm hung like a fifth grader

and i laughed for literally a couple of minutes on the Gay Out and Proud, oh sweet jesus that was hilarious...

OK 10:30am pacific time and my friend and i are on our third shot vodka

all my love,

Lint said...

Well, with differences of opinion aside, let's hope that we (and our respective leaders) can all just take things easy and be excellent to each other.

Enjoy the vodka!

Tio Jaime said...

sweet mother of God... six shots of Grey Goose vodka before 10:45am provides for an interesting lunch and equally interesting football game...

when all's said and done, it won't matter who is in office because we all will find something about which to complain, and complaining is just alright with me