Monday, November 01, 2004

The end of Summer

British Summer Time ended in its usual way yesterday with the clocks going back to where they used to be. On Saturday at this time it was coming up to eight o'clock. Now it's only coming up to seven. This has the effect that it's REALLY DARK when I come home from work, even if I get away at five. This doesn't seem fair.

I am losing an hour of good evening light just so that some Scottish farmers can see their cows udders of a morning. Or something. Many studies have shown that a lot of accidents would be avoided if we didn't do this time movement every year, but more importantly, leaving work in the dark makes me feel miserable. It makes me feel like I'm leaving at eight or some evil time like that. It's wrong. But it doesn't have to be this way...

We don't have to let ourselves be dictated to in this way. Let's face it, the only reason it's now seven and not eight is because Tony Blair says it is. Nothing actually changed in the world yesterday. Nothing in nature forces us do partake of this madness each year.

So I think it's time for some mass civil disobedience. Change all your clocks back to where they were on Saturday. Reset the clock on your computer at work. Reset the clock on a colleague's computer at work. If you work in a church, change the church clock back. Maybe you're even a scientist at Greenwich? If so, change all your posh clocks. Let's stay in British Summer time for the whole winter.

If you don't have access to clocks, then just turn up to work at 8 (on the evil time system) and leave at 4 (on the evil time system). In your head you'll be doing the classic Dolly Parton hours, and that's what matters.

And this could even have hidden benefits. Pubs will still be on the standard Mr Blair time zones, and they will close at 11 (OTETS). But if you are in the pub and have been following my advice, then it'll be like they are actually closing at midnight. A whole extra hour's drinking just from changing your own timeframe! Racing to catch that last post collection at 5pm (OTETS)? Not a problem any more - now you have until 6! Missed your favourite soap opera? Not any more! It's on an hour later than normal! So many everyday problems just vanish.

So come on my people. If together we all say that it's two o'clock, then it will be two o'clock. Time is an illusion, but it's one that we can control. We just have to grasp the proverbial clock-hands and all push together.

And more vitally, I'd be able to leave work in daylight. For an extra week at least.

1 comment:

Sarum said...

I agree. I tend to feel that if its dark when I get up (not yet, but soon), just light when I get to work, and already dark again when I leave, I've been at work too long. To sacrifice every hour to daylight inside a building with the blinds drawn is a shame.