Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Raise a toast to the Super Toaster

I'm thinking it's time I got myself a toaster. To make toast with. Nice toast, good for breakfast if you have breakfast, good for evening meals if you're really lazy (and you're not trying to impress a girl you've invited round for a candlelit dinner). I don't generally eat much toast, but currently how can I tell whether that is because I don't want toast, or because I can't have toast because I have no toaster? I had a slice of toast on Sunday morning and it was quite pleasant. Or did it just appear to taste pleasant because I was happy? Who can tell with toast...

So, as I said, I'm thinking it's time I got myself a toaster. Not just any toaster, but a posh, shiny toaster that will last for approximately a million years so that I never have to buy another toaster. Here's the toaster I have chosen: "I'm a toaster". Yes, it's the Dualit Vario Super Toaster. A toaster so good, that it's actually called a Super Toaster. It flies and rescues damsels. And cooks damn good toast.*

I expect I'll have trouble sleeping tonight, with all the new toaster excitement I'm currently feeling.

* actually, it only seems to be the John Lewis website that calls it Super Toaster, I've actually sourced mine from somewhere else, where it was a bit cheaper. Shame.


asyl076 said...

Impressive. It puts my 14.99 piece of tasting fun to shame. Time to go drown myself in scrambled eggs....

Lint said...

Update: I didn't have trouble sleeping at all.

Anonymous said...

Bread lover:
You can make toast in the grill. That way you'll know whether you want toast or not. It'll be cheaper than buying a toaster that you'll never use.

Bertworld said...

You could impress with toast if you cut it into small slices and had pate and lettuce leaves. God that sounds so gay.

Lint said...

I think the main drawback to me impressing with a candlelit dinner could be that I only have one chair at my dining table. And it's not big enough for two.

Chip said...

Yes, that problem's completely insurmountable.

Incidentally, welcome back, badfriend. Did you come back early because England are rubbish and therefore not playing any more games?