Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Modern Life? Rubbish!

It's been sunny for the last few days, which means: Sunglasses out!

But this brings yet another difficulty into my life. I have to remember to take them off when I enter a building. It's bad enough arriving at work and having to remember that it's my ID card and not my house-keys that I need to take out of my pocket to enter the building. Now I also have to do this whilst attempting to remove glasses. Or forgetting to do this and looking like a pillock for wearing them inside. If I try to remove earphones at the same time I'm likely to utterly run out of limbs and just fall over.

1 comment:

Carie said...

my daughter left her sun glasses on the other day when we went to the store cause she forgot her regular glasses and ran into a manequin lol so good luck ;)