Monday, May 09, 2005

Crabstick Tales

In the sandwich shop at lunchtime there was a woman in the queue in front of me. Initially she queued normally. Then when it was her turn she asked "Do you have crabsticks?". As far as I'm aware, this particular sandwich shop has never sold crabsticks. It's not even sold crabstick sandwiches. I'm not even sure if anywhere sells crabstick sandwiches. And she didn't want crabstick sandwiches. She just asked for plain crabsticks.

The answer she received was a resounding, yet polite, No. There were no crabsticks available for purchase. So the crab-woman paused for a long while appearing to consider her non-crabstick options. I half expected her to leave in disgust without buying a sandwich. But she didn't. She instead chose Coronation Chicken. Then she left.

Now, as anecdotes go, this hasn't been a great one - it was neither particularly funny nor particularly interesting. It wasn't even particularly well related. In the slightly smaller field of crabstick-related anecdotes, it doesn't do much better. And for this I can only apologise: Sorry.

I think I have learnt an important lesson from this.

1 comment:

Sarum said...

I think the chances of that are slim.