Monday, May 23, 2005

Buy! Don't Buy! Buy!

Belle and Sebastian put out a compilation album (Push Barman To Open Old Wounds) today featuring all the songs from their first 10 or so EPs. An utterly fantastic collection and most of the songs aren't on any of the albums. I wanted to buy it, especially as it looked to have nice packaging.

It wasn't even that expensive - £10 would have been more than sufficient.

The only problem was that I already own all the tracks (more than once in a couple of cases - there were a couple of the eaaly EPs that I liked so much I bought them twice!) so I really don't need to buy them again. Having a song on one CD should normally be sufficient. But I wanted to buy it anyway. I held it and fondled it in the shop for a while.

See, I could actually justify buying it - I could keep it in my bedroom and listen to the CDs in bed, whilst still keeping the originals in the living room (as well as on the laptop. And the iPod). So it wouldn't be just like I was completely wasting money. And it does have nice packaging.

Somehow I managed to restrain myself. But I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that for long. I had to buy two other CDs today instead, just to distract me. There's a certain sense of inevitability here. And B&S are the best band in the world. Ever.

Yes, they are.

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