Monday, June 26, 2006

You can take your carriage clock...

Two of our guys at work are having a leaving do tomorrow and I was put in charge of buying presents. Is that ever going to be a good idea? I didn't have a budget as such since they are only moving roles rather than leaving completely and so no collections had been made. This meant I had to fund purchases from my own pocket. And this in turn means: Cheap!

But never let it be said that I don't have ambition!

Everyone knows that the ultimate leaving present is the Carriage Clock. Preferably inscribed on the back "George, we'll miss you, love from the girls in accounts" - that sort of thing. So that was my goal: inscribed carriage clocks. On my budget it wasn't going to be easy... but it was.

First shop I went in was perfect. It had little plastic square clocks for a pound each. A variety of colours. I got one pink one and one black one. But even better, they were on special offer! Buy one get one free! Perfect presents and better value than the Pound Shop would have been had I been arsed to walk that far. They'll be so happy!

I plan to inscribe (ie stick a sticker on the back of) them tomorrow.

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