Sunday, July 03, 2005


Lists are good. Here's a list.

TV Series Where Something Significant Falls From The Sky In Series One, Episode One:

1. Smallville (Superman)
2. Dead Like Me (a toilet seat)
3. 24 (a girl terrorist)

I never said it would be a good list.


Lint said...

I may be wrong, but I think in both cases those shows have ships making controlled descents to land on Earth, rather than strictly having things falling from the sky?

Chip said...

Here are a few more :

1. Lost (a plane, 50-odd people and a golden retriever)
2. Friends (Rachel falls off the balcony)
3. Quantum Leap (in pilot episode (no pun intended!) Sam is a jet pilot, his plane blows up and he ejects)

Also the X Files and Babylon 5 - I can't think of anything specific, but they must fit!

Lint said...

Not sure about B5 - think the first episode was all aboard the space station? And you can't have Friends - a balcony isn't high enough to fit my somewhat arbitrary rules.

But I'll accept Lost and Quantum Leap. Anything that starts with a plane crash / explosion is a bit of a shoe-in here, really.

Agent 31 said...

Alf. Gotta go with Alf.