Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Beer cooling

I like to enjoy a nice cold pint of beer from time to time, especially in the Summer when it's hot. Sometimes however, the sun can cause the beer to get warm and that's not good. With other kinds of cold drink such as Coke, Iron Bru or Um Bongo, you can simply add ice (cubic or otherwise) and this does the job. But you can't add ice to beer because it would just melt and water the beer down which isn't a good prospect.

But I think I've worked out a very simple and obvious solution: Make ice cubes out of beer. Then if they melted into the drink it wouldn't matter. It would just be more beer. The only problem I can think of with this is that you would have to use plastic ice cube trays rather than ice cube bags. It would be very hard and a little wasteful to pour cans of beer into ice cube bags. It might work ok if you had a draught pump though.

I honestly think that self-sealing ice cube bags are one of the coolest (sorry) inventions ever in the history of man. They are like magic. Although maybe not so good for the environment as the old fashioned tray method.

I feel great now that I've solved one of the world's major problems.


Just said...

I don't drink beer, but I'm sure there is a market out there for the 'beer cubes'. Now I have 'Um Bongo, Um Bongo, they drink it in the Congo' stuck in my head - thanks :-)

Tim said...

I'm not sure beer freezes very well. I think you need to conduct an experiment.

Lint said...

That sounds like a good project for the weekend :-)

Bertworld said...

Beer freezes fine, and wine freezes too, so you can try the white wine one. Wine takes longer due to more alcohol. Its only when you getto spirits like vodka that they won't freeze. The sad way I know this is due to forgetting about drinks after I have shuffedd them in the freezer to cool quicker.