Thursday, January 26, 2006

Communion Kit-Kats

When I arrived at work this morning I was a little hungry so went to the coffee shop to get a snack (and a coffee). My snack of choice was a Kit-Kat Chunky. Now, when my friend saw what I was doing, she commented that she thought it was a bit early for chocolate. This was slightly hypocritical because she herself was eating a pain-au-chocolat (or chocolate croissant as the lady in the canteen insists on calling them).

A pain-au-chocolate is essentially a form of bread with some chocolate inside it. Whereas a Kit-Kat chunky is essentially a form of chocolate with some wafer inside it. Now, as any good catholic will tell you, wafer is a good (symbolic) substitute for bread. Hence I conclude that a Kit-Kat is basically an inside out pain-au-chocolat and hence a valid and fine thing to eat for breakfast. QED, I win.

Whilst thinking about the whole bread/wafer thing, I then got to wondering whether there were churches where they gave you Kit-Kats rather than the standard communion wafers? They'd be pretty cool. I reckon church attendance would rise considerably, though they might have to reinforce the pews if people had too much choccy. But then if they had Kit-Kats, would the whole transubstantiation thing still work? Does chocolate block that process in the same way that lead blocks the harmful effects of Kryptonite on Superman? Can any Catholic scientists enlighten me on this? (*)

(* I am assuming here that there are some Catholic scientists out there who actually do proper science with experiments and evidence. As opposed to the sort who argue against evolution and think man used to hang out with dinosaurs...)

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