Saturday, December 10, 2005

Bah Humbug

Whenever I take part in a Secret Santa I'm sure that I always end up down on the deal. We had one yesterday, with gifts worth a maximum of five pounds - I got a black and white Santa Hat with the words "Bah, Humbug" on it. It doesn't even have an exclamation mark. I suspect that whoever bought it may not have understood the instruction that gifts could be up to five pounds. Or maybe they were just tight.

I wore it though - it kept my head warm.


Sarum said...

maybe you could give it to me, for re-use as my Secret Santa gift, since I've got no idea what to get.

I'd even pay fair market value for it... say £2?

Lint said...

But then I'd be crystalising my loss. At the moment, I have something which might have cost five pounds. If I accepted your offer I could be three pounds worth of hat down.

I'd also have to describe its condition as "slightly used and a bit crumpled".