Friday, November 18, 2005

Toiletry dispensation

I don't think I'll ever get used to bars where they have little men in the toilets to give you soap and spray things on you and then expect to be tipped for doing something that you can do perfectly well youself. It's something that should only happen on television - not in real life and certainly not in York.

I'm going to have to be a bit of a NIMBY here, but I don't want this sort of thing to go on here in York. I don't mind if they want to build a nuclear reactor down the road or if they want to build a sex-offenders institute next door, those things are fine. I just don't want people washing my hands for me.

The guilty establishment was The Parish. I wanted to go to the toilet for a second time but chose instead to hold it in rather than have to pay another pound.

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