Thursday, July 08, 2004


Sadly I was unable to manifest any more psychic abilities at The Swan last night, my star must have waned.

As a plus point for the day, we did win a bottle of Port (and yet more chocolates) at work, the final prizes in the Euro 2004 competitions. No idea what we are going to do with the Port now though, not the easiest thing to share round in the office. I do still have some plastic glasses in my drawer, left over from when I qualified 2 years ago, but they may be a bit big for Port - they are at least 1/2 a pint.

So I might try and raffle it off within the team, or maybe we could all go into the Memorial Gardens (if that's what it's called - its the one with the winos anyway) at lunchtime and drink it there, passing it between us in a brown paper bag. The other winos would think we were drinking cheap wine, or cider, but we would know that we were better than that: we'd be drinking Port. Favoured after dinner drink of late middle aged men.

I used to drink quite a lot of port at university, but mainly because the College Port was fairly cheap (and nice) and they'd also sometimes have some at formal dinners.

1 comment:

asyl076 said...

Iceberg, off the port bow!

Really, much to sweet for me. But nice win!