Monday, February 13, 2006

As easy as falling down a hill

So yesterday and the day before, I was out at the Sheffield Ski Village, learning to ski (or at least attempting to) in preparation for my trip to the mountainous region of France later in the month. I'd never skied before so I was starting completely from scratch.

I found it pretty hard going. For some reason I have yet to determine, I was unable to go down the hill at a constant slow speed like everyone else could. I think my legs are the wrong shape or don't bend the right way or something. In addition, the skis generally refused to move as I wanted them to when attempting to turn a corner. This was really annoying. And my feet really hurt.

We were in a group of ten people and on the Saturday we all had one instructor. I was a bit rubbish. Too tense apparently. And too asymmetrical. Even when I fixed these though, it didn't seem to help much.

On the second day we were split into two groups. I was in the retards group, along with two friends. However, whilst later in the morning my friends had improved enough to join the grown-ups and have a play on the big slope, I didn't and stayed on the nursery slope. I didn't actually mind that though, as I'd rather be safe than lying twisted and broken.

I definitely made some progress over the weekend, but not as much as I thought I would.

Also my arms hurt.

Also my calves hurt.

Also my toes hurt.

Tonight I'm taking a trip out to the indoor slope with real snow at Castleford. Thankfully we're only skiing for an hour as I don't think my legs would bear any more than that.

I expect I'll hate it.

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