Wednesday, April 19, 2006

My Little Bonsai

I got a bonsai tree for my birthday:

Me and my Bonsai

It says that I should keep it in a bright place, but out of direct sunlight. And also that I should also water it once a day AND sprinkle the leaves. Frankly it's hard enough to remember to take a shower once a day so I don't know how I'm supposed to look after a tree as well.

And as for sprinkling the leaves, I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that without getting my table all wet. No idea what I'd even use to sprinkle it. A tiny pixie watering can? Actually if I could hire a pixie gardener to look after it all my problems might be solved... Where's my Yellow Pages?

Darn. They're not in it. They'd be between "Pitch and Putt Courses" and "Pizza Deliveries" if they were, but they're not. I can only conclude that there hasn't been much demand for super-diminutive tree-carers in the York area. Well - there is now! If there are any pixies reading, give me a bell if you can help.

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