Monday, March 05, 2007

Good Band Names

I won't comment much on the quality of the music, but I heard two bands on the radio tonight with great names. The singles that were played were good, but not as good as the names. This doesn't normally bode well for bands - far too often the successful ones have short boring names (often beginning with "The"). But such is life, and such is the great public.

The names I encountered today were:
- The Strange Death of Liberal England
- Snowfight in the City Centre.

See, both good.

If I was going to name a band tonight... Here are some great band names I've just thought of (not real ones, as far as I know):

1. The Wind Tonight Will Raise Heckles
2. Badgers!? Who Said We Couldn't Eat Badgers?
3. We Bought The Drummer From Homebase In A Sale
4. You Can Abbreviate This To YCATT(IYWTO) (If You Want To)
5. Dough-balls

All great.

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