Sunday, April 01, 2007

I get silver!

Since it's now officially summertime I went for a run out in the fields by the river this afternoon. Out there, in a tree, I saw 5 magpies. This means that I am guaranteed silver of some kind very soon (because the rhyme says so). I hope it's good silver, not bad silver. Stupid rhyme is a bit ambiguous though. Off the top of my head, these are the ten most likely silver things I might get:

1. A horde of silver coins
2. A silver spoon (perhaps for the coronation)
3. Silver medal in a running race (of two people, most likely)
4. A silver lining on a cloud
5. A silver knife in my back
6. A Bilko DVD
7. Some Silver Spoon sugar in my tea (that would be bad - I take it without sugar)
8. A silverback gorilla following me for the day (if the bears didn't chase it away first...)
9. The Sharon Stone movie, Sliver, bought for me by a dyslexic
10. Some gold because there was a sixth magpie that I missed

Eeeny, meeny, miney, mo...

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