Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bye Bye, Tent!

I've officially laid my tent to rest. It's getting on 15 years old now so I think it's served me well.

My tent

Camping was fun, though we didn't actually have to spend much time in the tent due to there being a marquee for the music. The weather was ok on Saturday but turned to rain at some point into the morning. Hence the tent got very wet. My feet and sleeping bag also got a bit wet because the tent was letting water in at the bottom end. Not really badly but enough to be annoying. I therefore took the decision to part with my long-term tent.

It's made me a little sad really. It's been with me for so long I got used to it. Even though it was a bit harder to erect than some more modern designs. And even though it was a bit battle scarred. And even though there's a hole in the front window. And even though some of the pegs are a bit bent. And even though a couple of the guy ropes have come off. Even though all that, it was my tent and now it's gone. In the bin. Forever.

I kept the tent pegs though. They can be reused. Apart from the bent ones.

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