Sunday, February 29, 2004

Some Information About A Tunnel

About halfway between my flat and the town centre, there is a tunnel which passes below a railway line. It's quite a dark intimidating tunnel, and doesn't have many redeeming features at all apart from the fact that it is dry when it's raining. Except for the bits where the roof drips. It's approximately 100m long - just so that you can have an accurate picture in your mind.

Now with it being a tunnel which, by definition, has walls, it is prone to receiving graffiti. I certainly don't condone graffiti (indeed I can barely spell it) but within the last week some drawings have appeared which make the tunnel seem much more friendly. There are now, at irregular intervals, several doors drawn on the walls. Some also have windows next to them. One has a welcome mat. It now feels more like walking down a friendly suburban street (though with an element of Hobbiton - that might just be me) than a dark evil tunnel. Well done Mr Vandal. Now perhaps you could turn your talents to something more useful.

There is another option to get into town. If one takes the left side of the street rather than the right side, you instead reach the road tunnel which the cars go through. This is potentially a safer feeling route, as at least were you to be accosted by an evil mugger there would probably be cars driving past. They wouldn't stop, but at least there could be witnesses to your death. This route does however have one big drawback. The road tunnel has a huge pigeon infestation (as in many normal size pigeons rather than one large psychotic giant pigeon. I'll talk about her another day...). This means that you are at big risk of being splattered by pigeon s**t. And splattered by pigeon s**t is not how I like to turn up to work (or indeed to anywhere else). So I normally take the tunnel. The nice tunnel with the friendly doors.

On a totally different topic, today was February 29th (if you don't believe me check the date above the post). This means that any nice young lady could have proposed marriage (or maybe just a cuddle) to me today and I would have been legally obliged to accept. And not one did. Exactly the same thing happened 4 years ago (though I was with H then, and she might have got annoyed if I'd accepted marriage proposals). Oh well, back to plan A. (Unless the next half hour before midnight goes differently to how I expect).

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