Saturday, January 31, 2009

1550 And Out

It occurs to me that it's not right to just stop... leave you hanging. So this is me saying that I'm not stopping, I'm not hanging. I've just got bored of blogging.

So farewell and many thanks to everyone who's stopped by here over the years. Especial thanks to all who've commented. I've had fun and I hope you have too.

I fully expect I'll be back on the interwebhighway in some form at some point, and so maybe I'll see you there.

In the meantine, this is me, signing out from World of Lint, farewell.



Wayne said...

Bye, Lint.


PS. My final comment-captcha was "muthet," which I think is quite an amusing word. This has made me happy.

Bertworld said...

My god you're still updating this !!!!