Monday, September 01, 2008

Portal Music

I'm as normal playing catch-up in the world of computer games, still pretty much being caused by my semi-obsession with finishing all the Final Fantasy games. But at the weekend I found the time to play through the wonderful Portal. Everything I'd read about it was true - it was funny, clever, fun and completely innovative. It was also refreshingly short. Hard to say much about the best bits of it without spoiling the game for those who haven't played it. But I will say that the end-credits have provided me with an amazing ringtone.

Possibly even a geekier ringtone than the Blakes 7 theme I was using before.


Sarum said...

You should check out some of Jonathan Coultan's other music (he wrote the music for the Portal credits for Valve). It's all pretty geeky (I particularly like Code Monkey and Skullcrusher Mountain)

It's on iTunes, and also on his website.

Sarum said...

that'd be Jonathan Coulton too...

Lint said...

I will look him up. With the right spelling.

LauraHobby said...

Also, if you didn't already know, you download Still Alive for Rock Band. It's free. :)

Lint said...

But... I have US Rock Band so don't think I can do UK DLC. Pooh, the perils of early pooh. I might buy the UK disc and flog the US one on ebay..?